Bộ dụng cụ mô hình
Tên sản phẩm: TC-S01 Starter Gundam Military Model Scissors Pen Knife Tool Set
Hãng sản xuất: DSPIAE
Mã sản phẩm: TC-S01
Nippers ST-C (Based pricing on EN-A)
Parts Separator (PT-MPS)
"Dawning" Hobby Knife (PT-DK - Comes with 20 spare blades & blade case)
"Phoenix Plume" Panel Lining Pen (PT-PL)
"Siren" Glass File (MSF-13)
Carbon Fiber Grinding Board (2 pcs) - (CB-25)
Sanding Strips (5 pcs, various grits) - (MSP- Normally comes in packs of 10 pcs)
Sanding Sponges (3 pcs, various grits) - (DS3- Normally comes in packs of 5 pcs)
Sanding Sticks (3 pcs, various grits) - (MSS - Normally comes in packs of 3 pcs)
Straight Tweezers - (Based pricing on AT-TZ03 - probably cheaper)
Angled Tweezers - (Based pricing on AT-TZ05 - probably cheaper)
Folding Scissors - (Not DSPAIE branded. Identical to these.)
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